As always, happy Monday to everyone and #TGIM! I constantly await Mondays, with anticipation, for they are my #52Chances a year to share MEMORIES OF MY MOM with all of you! Two weeks in and the “dog days of summer” (which refers to the hottest and most humid time of the year in the Northern […]
Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Dog Days Of Summer
- Post author By TheRecipeDetective
- Post date July 13, 2020
- No Comments on Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Dog Days Of Summer

- Tags 52Chances, Algonac, ArtLewis, AskYourNeighbor, attitude, BasketAndRibbons, BaskinRobins, BetterCooker, BetterCookery, BobAllison, breads, CelebrateEveryDay, cookbook, copycat, diet, DogDaysOfSummer, EatingOutAtHome, family, FastFood, FoodForThought, GloriaPitzer, GoodNeighbor, happiness, HappyNewspaperFeatures, homemade, HomemadeGroceries, imitation, inspiration, inspire, JunkFood, KathyKeene, ListenToTheMrs, MakeAlike, Marysville, MemoriesOfMyMom, Michigan, Monday, motivation, NatinalGrillingMonth, NationalBlueberryMonth, NationalCulinaryArtsMonth, NationalHotDogMonth, NationalIceCreamDay, NationalIceCreamMonth, NationalPeachMonth, NationalPicnicMonth, NewAttitude, Original200+, PearlBeach, radio, RecipeDetective, recipes, ReliableRecipes, RestaurantRecipes, SecretRecipes, SecretRecipesDetective, SecretRecipesNewsletter, StClair, StrawberryIceCream, SugarFree, TGIM, ThankGodItsMondayDay, TheBestOf, TheRecipeDetective, WarrenPierce, WHBY