Hermit Batter Bread & Thin Vanilla Glaze (Icing)
By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… Gloria Pitzer’s Mixed Blessings – Recipes & Remedies (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; March 1984, pp. 98 & 103).
3 cups Hermit Beer Starter (at least 3 hours old)
1 large egg, well beaten
3 cups boxed biscuit mix
¼ tsp nutmeg
[1 recipe Thin Vanilla Glaze (Icing) – p. 98]
Beat ingredients with electric mixer about 3 minutes, on medium speed. Batter will be very sticky and thick. Using rubber scraper, transfer to 9-inch, Pam sprayed, [Pyrex/glass] loaf dish. Let stand 5 minutes while you put 4 TB sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon in a shaker and dust top of batter with 1 TB of this mixture, evenly.
Then sprinkle on ½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans and [1 more] TB cinnamon mixture. Let rise in dish, uncovered, about 30 minutes and then bake at 350°F about 55 minutes or until tester, inserted into center, touches bottom of baking dish and comes out clean.
Drizzle top of warm loaf in the Thin Vanilla Glaze [Icing]… see recipe below. Makes 1 loaf. Freezes well to use within 6 months.
½ cup powdered sugar
1 TB buttermilk
2 tsp melted butter
Few drops vanilla
Dash of salt
Beat [everything] on high speed, with electric mixer, until satin-smooth; or put everything your blender, on high speed, until mixture is smooth. Makes about ½ cupful – enough to glaze one 9-inch cake [12 rolls/biscuits or one loaf of bread].

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