
Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Every Day is an Opportunity

As always, happy Monday to everyone and #TGIM! EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY – a turning point, a gift, an opportunity! And every Monday is another chance for me to tell Mom’s story. This week is International Women’s Week, which started yesterday, on International Women’s Day. And, as I mentioned last week, the whole […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – March is Women’s History Month

Happy Monday and happy March to everyone! As usual, thank God it’s Monday – #TGIM – as it’s another chance for me to share Mom’s story with the world, again! #NationalWomensHistoryMonth March is National Women’s History Month!  According to, “National Women’s History Month was established in 1987 as a way to celebrate women across […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Any Reason to Celebrate with Food

Hi, everyone! Thank God, it’s Monday, again! It’s my chance to write about my mom and share my memories of her with you… Today is Mardi Gras Eve, the day before Mardi Gras; which is, now, called Lundi Gras, [aka: “Fat Monday”] in New Orleans; and, like Mardi Gras, it has its own traditions and […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – The Golden Rule

Thank God, It’s Monday, again!  Happy Monday to all! In addition to the many celebrations taking place today, happy Random Acts of Kindness Day AND Week! Plus, on a similar note, it’s also National Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week! #BrotherhoodSisterhoodWeek explains that National Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week “encourages people of diverse faiths to discuss not only our differences but […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Love and Marriage

Happy Monday and #TGIM, everyone! As I’ve been saying each week, “thank God, it’s Monday, again” because every Monday is another chance.. to write about my mom… impart memories of her talents with the world… and share one (or more) of her great, original, copycat recipes. #NationalMarriageWeek This second week of February has a lot […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – More Little Steps

Happy February and happy Monday to all! Thank God, It’s Monday, again! #TGIM February is Great American Pies Month and National Bake for Family Fun Month; plus National Hot Breakfast Month and National Snack Food Month! On top of that, TODAY is National Football Hangover Day and National Carrot Cake Day! Hence, check out the […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – All the Little Steps

#TGIM! Once again, thank God, it’s Monday!  So, happy Monday to everybody! I still want to create a small email newsletter, similar to what Mom had created 46 years ago (Jan. 1974) when she started her own newsletter, Gloria Pitzer’s Homemaker’s Newsletter©. However, my “paying” job has suddenly become so hectic that, for now, I […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Dreams Come True

Happy Monday to one and all! As this begins another new week – thank God, it’s Monday! #TGIM It’s also Martin Luther King Day! For great information about the history and celebrations going on today, in his honor, check out and People from all different races and backgrounds take time on this day […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Que Sera, Sera!

TGIM! Thank God, it’s Monday, again! Happy Monday to everyone! I mentioned last week that I plan to make every Monday of this year a memorable beginning to my week – and, hopefully, to yours as well! This week, my focus is on my New Year’s plan, which I mentioned at the end of my […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – 52 Chances for Memorable Beginnings

Happy 2020 and happy Monday! In fact, happy National Thank God It’s Monday! As claims: “Mondays are often full of new beginnings.” This being the very first Monday of 2020, makes it an extra special, national day celebration all about new beginnings! Beyond today, the website suggests, “Not only does the observance focus on […]
