Cookbooks & Other Publications

1974 – Gloria Pitzer’s The Better Cooker’s Christmas Cookbook Collection

1974 – Gloria Pitzer’s The Better Cooker’s Christmas Cookbook Collection was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Happy Newspaper Features, Pearl Beach, MI), having a 5.5” x 8.5” format of 128 pages with over 150 index listings. NO LONGER IN PRINT – Gloria described this book as a small, “unsophisticated” collection of perfectly reliable […]

Cookbooks & Other Publications

1974 – The Big-Little Cookbooklet by Gloria Pitzer

1974 – The Big-Little Cookbooklet was a small-sized booklet written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Happy Newspaper Features, Pearl Beach, MI) & was part of a limited series called “Dumb Little Cookbooks – Reliable Recipes for Reluctant Cooks” from Gloria’s Homemaker’s Newsletter. NO LONGER IN PRINT – This book has a 5.5” x 4.5” format […]

Cookbooks & Other Publications

1973 – The Better Cooker’s Cookbook by Gloria Pitzer

  1973 – The Better Cooker’s Cookbook was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Happy Newspaper Features; Algonac, MI), having a 5.5” x 8.5” format of 53 pages, filled with humorous quips, tips and cartoons; plus, over 150 index listings. NO LONGER IN PRINT – This is a collection of recipes that Gloria originally […]

Cookbooks & Other Publications

THE HISTORY OF “Gloria Pitzer’s Secret Recipes Newsletter”

1974 – Gloria Pitzer’s Homemaker’s Newsletter – written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Happy Newspaper Features, Pearl Beach, MI) – started as “a monthly compendium of fact and fancies”, as Gloria referred to it, adding that it was “the almost-magazine…not quite a newspaper…that can build into a book.” NO LONGER IN PRINT – this […]

Cookbooks & Other Publications

The Inception of “Gloria Pitzer’s Secret Recipes”

1972-1976 – The development of the “Original 200” – a recipe card collection by Gloria Pitzer 1972-1976 – “Gloria Pitzer’s Secret Recipes” began with a unique collection of about 200 recipes (each printed on 4”x6” index cards, ready for filing), which Gloria developed and tested in her own kitchen – recipes for making famous fast-food […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Mom’s Story – How Secret Recipes Began, Part 1

Hi, Everyone! Happy Monday to all! If you’re new to here, welcome! I’m Laura Emerich – one of 5 who called Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL “Secret Recipe Detective”, “Mom”. I started this blog series in September (2018) to carry on Mom’s legacy of her Secret Recipes “empire”, as it was very special to me too; […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Inspirations are Everywhere!

Happy Monday to everybody! I hope you make today special for somebody, even if it’s only for yourself! My name is Laura Emerich and Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL “Secret Recipe Detective”, is my mom. She passed away almost a year ago (it’ll be a year next Monday) and I started this blog series in September […]


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – New Year, New Attitude

Wow – it’s 2019! Where has the time gone? If you’re new to here, my name is Laura Emerich and Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL “Secret Recipe Detective”, is my mom. I started this blog series in September (2018) to carry on Mom’s legacy, as that is what “Secret Recipes” was to her and what it […]


Mrs. Field’s-Style Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mrs. Field’s-Style Chocolate Chip Cookies [aka: The Great Imposter Cookies!] By Gloria Pitzer; from her Spring 1995 newsletter, Secret Recipes Quarterly (St. Clair, MI; p.6 ) Even though these cookies do not appear to be completely baked, do not over bake them or they’ll be like rocks by the 2nd day! Cookies will remain soft […]


Seize Fudge, Like See’s Candy of California

  Seize Fudge, Like See’s Candy By Gloria Pitzer, Secret Fast Food Recipes (Secret Recipes, Marysville, MI; “21st printing” – Dec. 1999, p. 48) In California, the only word in candy is the famous See’s Candy. If you like their fudge, then you’ll love this make-alike version! Ingredients: 1 stick butter 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips […]
