
LOOSE HAMBURGER, like National Coney

LOOSE HAMBURGER, like National Coney

[aka: Kansas City Style Sloppy Joe]

By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 42).

Somewhere along the way, we found the secret of making the Kansas City style ‘Sloppy Joe’, which some call ‘Loose Hamburger’ – and which made famous the National Coney Island chain. I chose to imitate this way.


2-lbs ground chuck

1 envelope onion soup mix

2 envelopes tomato [flavored] Cup-of-Thoup Powder (see Recipes tab for Gloria’s imitation)

½ cup chopped onion

¼ cup ketchup

¼ cup pickle relish

2 TB dry, minced green pepper

1 tsp paprika

½ tsp garlic salt

½ tsp [black] pepper

¼ tsp anise extract

1 TB dry parsley flakes

1 TB Worcestershire

¼ cup all-purpose flour


Press ground chuck into bottom of ungreased, 10-inch skillet, to cover pan evenly… Cover with a tight fitting lid. Simmer slowly, for 15 minutes, which brings out the natural juices in the beef. Remove lid. Break up the meat with the back of a fork and stir it around, adding each of the remaining ingredients, as listed, EXCEPT the flour.

Pack mixture back over the bottom of the pan, keeping heat on low to medium. Now add the flour but dust it evenly over the top of the meat mixture, allowing it to absorb the flour. Stir it gently just to incorporate the flour. Pack it down again with the back of large spoon.

Cover pan with the lid, tightly again. Simmer very slowly 10 minutes. Spoon mixture into split and toasted hot dog buns for 8. Leftovers can be refrigerated up to a week if tightly covered and it will freeze well, up to 3 months.


See also…

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Kindness Is Contagious

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