By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 36).
Warren Pierce of WJR-Detroit Radio was an evening show that I did often, years ago. It was from this radio show that I became [well] acquainted with the Sanders Company, as it was one of the sponsors of the WJR show.
When I first became an expert on what Sanders’ unique, hot fudge, sundae topping should taste like, it was a certainty that nobody else had a product even similar to it. Even now [1997], I hear that the Morley Candy people own the Sanders Company and maybe they are using the recipe that Sanders gave them; but, somewhere along the way, they altered the chocolate just enough that you can tell it isn’t Nestles’ Milk Chocolate, the way it used to be.
Here is my version from [my] 200 plus recipe cards that we have never included in any of our books, to date. The magic number to remember is ‘12’, when it comes to the ingredients, as you can see. The key to success is that the longer it cooks, the better it will be. Setting the pan on direct heat, I learned the hard way, even briefly for a moment will make it scorch! Be careful, please!
HOT BUTTERSCOTCH TOPPING (from Sanders’ Hot Fudge)
2 rolls Butterscotch Life Savers, hammered into [tiny] bits
12 TB real butter
12-oz bag Nestles Butterscotch morsels
12-oz can Pet evaporated milk
12-oz light Karo Syrup
In top of double boiler, over briskly simmering water, combine ingredients, as listed and allow to cook, stirring until melted and smooth. At that time, set a timer for 90 minutes and allow mixture to cook that long, stirring it once in a while and be sure to also replace any water that boils away about every 10 minutes so that the level of the boiling water in the bottom pan will just touch the bottom of the pan on top.
At the end of the 90 minutes, beat with mixer on medium-high speed about 2 or 3 minutes, until it begins to thicken and lose the gloss it has. Refrigerate in tightly capped container to use, rewarmed in microwave, within a few weeks. Or freeze, please, to use in a few months… Makes about 5 cups.

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