By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 44)
1 envelope dry yeast
½ cup warm water
½ tsp sugar
10-oz can chicken or beef broth, warmed
3½ cups flour
1 cup rye flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups well crushed Wheaties cereal flakes
½ cup dry milk powder
1 TB salt 1 cup cooked, chopped, chicken livers
Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar to activate the yeast, stirring once or twice. Let stand in cup 5 minutes or until bubbly. In mixing bowl, combine it with broth and set aside. In another medium mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients with chicken livers.
Combine broth/yeast mixture with flour mixture, adding only enough more flour to make a soft dough that can be kneaded in the bowl, like bread dough, until smooth and elastic. Roll it out ½” thick and cut into shapes, like dog bones, or use a donut cotter.
Bake on lightly oiled baking sheet at 300°F for 45-50 minutes or until nicely dried and firm. Turn off heat and let dog biscuits remain in oven until cooled and crisp/hard. Makes a lot!

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