By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 220)
THERE ARE MANY BASIC ingredient recipes that you can convert into other forms than [for] what the original mixture is intended. One of my favorites is a candy mixture that was originally developed to use on our coffeecakes and yeast breads, as a basic icing.
I prepared it one day, intending to use it on the coffeecake that was then in the oven, but was interrupted when a radio station phoned and asked me to fill in for a guest who couldn’t make it. So I poured the icing into a container, put it in the refrigerator, and forgot about it, until the next day.
I was interested in the texture – how it had thickened and stabilized to the point that it could be shaped into balls and dipped into melted chocolate and flavored in various ways to become any number of kinds of candy.
¼ cup margarine (or butter)
¼ cup light corn syrup
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup milk
Dash of salt
4½ cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Bring [first five ingredients] to a boil in a 1½-qt saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly and reducing heat, as necessary, to keep mixture boiling at 1” below rim of pan. The higher the heat, the more apt it is to boil right out of the pan and create a mess. You might even have to remove the pan from the burner to let the boil subside and then return it to a lower heat.
After the first, hard, brisk boil, set your timer for 5 minutes to let it boil gently, while stirring almost constantly. Remove from heat entirely and, with a portable electric mixer on medium speed, beat in powdered sugar [a little at a time] and vanilla, until smooth.
At this point, it is ready to use as an icing on coffeecakes, preferably, or yeast rolls or yeast breads. It is a bit too heavy in consistency to frost a cake. Makes about 4 cups of icing. It freezes well, to be used within 6 months.

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[…] recipe of “Vanilla Candy Icing” [see “Recipes” […]