Chocolate-Covered Cherries (from 2 other recipes)
By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Joy Of NOT Cooking – Any More Than You Have To (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Nov. 1983, p. 199).
THERE ARE MANY BASIC ingredient recipes that you can convert into other forms than [for] what the original mixture is intended. One of my favorites is a candy mixture that was originally developed to use on our coffeecakes and yeast breads, as a basic icing.
I prepared it one day, intending to use it on the coffeecake that was then in the oven, but was interrupted when a radio station phoned and asked me to fill in for a guest who couldn’t make it. So I poured the icing into a container, put it in the refrigerator, and forgot about it, until the next day.
I was interested in the texture – how it had thickened and stabilized to the point that it could be shaped into balls and dipped into melted chocolate and flavored in various ways to become any number of kinds of candy.
1 recipe of “Vanilla Candy Icing” [see “Recipes” tab]
1-lb candied cherries
¼ cup light Karo syrup
1 recipe of “Truffles ” (using almond extract instead of coconut)
Prepare 1 recipe of our “Vanilla Candy Icing” [see “Recipes” tab]. Mix candied cherries in light Karo. Use coffee cream plastic cups, as in “Truffles ” recipe [or use ice cube trays]. Prepare [“Truffles ”] chocolate mixture with almond extract instead of coconut.
Drop enough chocolate mixture into each cup to coat bottoms. Drop in a cherry and enough icing to fill cup 2/3 full. Add warm chocolate mixture over this to fill the cup. Let “set” 2 hours. Do NOT refrigerate or chocolate will change color.

See also…