By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The American Cookery Cookbook (Happy Newspaper Features, Algonac, MI; July 1976, p. 40)
1 (1½-lb.) lamb shoulder
¾ cup French Dressing
1 clove garlic
4 slices [thick] bacon
½ pound button mushrooms (optional)
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper
Cut lamb into 1-inch cubes. Pour French dressing over meat; add cut clove of garlic unless dressing already contains garlic. Let stand at least 1 hour or over night in refrigerator.
Cut bacon into 1-inch pieces. Alternate lamb, bacon, and mushrooms on metal skewers. Allow space between for thorough cooking. Season with salt and pepper.
Broil 3 inches from source of heat, about 15 minutes, turning once. Makes 6 servings.

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