Happy Monday to all! Personally, I look forward to every Monday because they are my 52 Chances each year, in which I get to share Memories of My Mom with all of you! #TheRecipeDetective My mom passed away just over four years ago, leaving behind a very special legacy of love. I started and continue […]

- Tags 52Chances, Algonac, ArtLewis, AskTheMrs, AskYourNeighbor, attitude, BakeForFamilyFunMonth, BananaBread, BananaBreadDay, BetterCooker, BetterCookery, BobAllison, breads, CelebrateEveryDay, cookbook, copycat, diet, EatingOutAtHome, family, FastFood, FoodForThought, GloriaPitzer, GloriaPitzersCookbook, GoodNeighbor, happiness, HappyNewspaperFeatures, homemade, HomemadeGroceries, HotRolls, imitation, inspiration, inspire, JunkFood, KathyKeene, LearnSomethingNewEveryDay, ListenToTheMrs, MakeAlike, Marysville, MemoriesOfMyMom, Michigan, Monday, MondayMentor, motivation, NewAttitude, Original200+, PearlBeach, PureMichigan, radio, RecipeDetective, recipes, ReliableRecipes, RestaurantRecipes, SecretRecipes, SecretRecipesDetective, SecretRecipesNewsletter, StClair, StickyBuns, StickyBunsDay, SugarFree, TGIM, ThankGodItsMondayDay, TheBestOf, TheJoyOfCopycatCookery, TheJoyOfNOTCookingAnyMoreThanYouHaveTo, TheRecipeDetective, WarrenPierce, WHBY