By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 7)
At the Governor’s Mansion that year [June 1975], I enjoyed this luncheon dish while attending a National Federation of Press Women’s conference. I asked Mrs. Milliken if I could print the recipe and she graciously agreed.
1 dozen eggs, separated
1¼ tsp salt
½-pint heavy cream
½-lb boiled or baked ham
8-oz can mushrooms, drained
3 tsp butter
Finely shredded cheddar cheese
Butter a 13” [oblong] baking dish generously. Set oven at 350°F. Separate the eggs into 2 deep bowls. Beat yolks and 1 tsp salt until thick and lemon colored. Beat whites with ¼ tsp salt until stiff but not dry. Set both aside. Beat heavy cream until thick. Fold cream into yolks.
Slice ham into matchstick pieces. Combine with mushrooms and sauté very briefly in butter. Add to yolk mixture. Fold in whites. Spoon into prepared baking dish. Bake 30-40 minutes at 350°F or until eggs are “set” but not dry. Should be lightly browned on top. Spoon onto serving plates while hot. Sprinkle each serving, with cheese, immediately. Serves 8-10.

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