ORANGE BRUTUS (3 versions)
By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 30)
Note on [my] best Orange Brutus recipe that was intended to imitate the popular orange drink, named for the one Brutus terminated, consult our ‘green sheet’ of 15 sample recipes… or in our ‘Fast Food Recipes’ book.
1 cup fresh orange juice
½ cup nonfat, dry milk powder
2 TB sugar or to taste
Few drops vanilla
½ cup chopped ice
1 fresh, whole egg (optional)
Put all into blender, just as listed, and blend briefly on high speed until frothy. Back then, they would add a fresh, whole egg to the blender mixture for a dime more. Makes [one] 12-oz drink.
3 cup fresh orange juice
1 TB lemon juice
1 egg whit
Small (4-servings) box instant vanilla pudding
Blend briefly on high speed until smooth and pour over crushed ice, in tall glasses. Makes 1 quart.
1 cup fresh orange juice
1.2-oz pkg instant vanilla breakfast drink powder*
(*Or 1 tsp vanilla, plus 1 TB Dream Whip powder)
Blend briefly on high speed until smooth and serve over crushed ice. [Makes 1 serving.]

See also…