By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 14)
3 eggs
½ cup packed brown sugar
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp almond extract
¾ cup flour
2 cups flaked coconut, snipped fine
1 cup chopped almonds
1-lb pitted dates, in halves
8-oz whole, candied cherries
8-oz candied pineapple, cut small
Measure first 7 ingredients into large mixing bowl, beating well after each addition, to combine thoroughly. Stir in last 5 ingredients. Pack batter into 4 loaf pans (5 ½” x 3” x 2 ¼”), each lined in foil with shiny side up and sprayed in Pam.
Bake loaves at 300°F for 90 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean of any wet batter. Remove from pans. Cool on racks. Wrap in foil and refrigerate, before slicing to serve; or freeze loaves, to use in a few months.
To serve, slice loaves thin and spread with softened cream cheese and sweet orange marmalade. Makes 4 loaves.

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