Thank God it’s Monday, again. I always look forward to Mondays, as they’re my 52 Chances a year, in which I get to share Memories of My Mom with you. Therefore, happy Monday. #TheRecipeDetective This year, we got a bonus Monday! 2024 has “53 Chances”, as advocates (in part), to see the sun rise […]

- Tags 52Chances, Algonac, ArtLewis, AskYourNeighbor, BaconDay, BetterCooker, BetterCookery, BobAllison, CelebrateEveryDay, CopycatRecipes, CustardyWilliamsburgCornbread, Detroit, EatingOutAtHome, FamilyBusiness, FastFood, FoodForThought, GloriaPitzer, GloriaPitzersCookbook, GoodNeighbor, HappyMonday, HappyNewspaperFeatures, HomemadeGroceries, JunkFood, KathyKeene, LearnSomethingNewEveryDay, ListenToTheMrs, MakeAlike, Marysville, MemoriesOfMyMom, Michigan, Original200Recipes, PearlBeach, RecipeDetective, ReliableRecipes, RestaurantRecipes, SecretRecipes, SecretRecipesDetective, SecretRecipesNewsletter, SharingALegacyOfLove, StClair, TGIM, ThankGodItsMondayDay, TheBestOf, TheRecipeDetective, WarrenPierce, WJRRadio