1990 – Gloria Pitzer’s Secret Recipes of Famous Favorites was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret Recipes, St. Clair, MI). NO LONGER IN PRINT – this cookbook has a 120-page, 5.5” x 8.5” format filled with over 400 recipes from the original “Books 1-5” series, established in 1976-1982. However, this collection was not reprinted in any of the other books Gloria has written since that 5-book series. Included in this collection, you’ll find everything from “After Dinner Mints” to “Zucchini Bread”. Famous make-alike versions of “Arby’s-Style Cheesecake”, “Buddy’s-Style Pizza”, “Frankenmuth Gingerbread”, “Paul Newman-Style Dressing”, “Stuckey’s-Style Pecan Brownies” and even a recipe from the White House; given to Gloria from Betty Ford, herself!
Fun Facts:
- Sub-Titles: The Best of the Best; Books 1 through 5 Revisited
- Printings: 2
- Years: November 1990 & April 1991
- Recipes: 445 listed
- Pages: 120
- Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
- Price: originally $7, then $7.50 in 1993 (until it sold out within a year)
- Used copies on eBay: none found
- Used copies on Amazon: none found
- ISBN: unknown