Thank God Its Monday again! I love Mondays. They’re my 52 Chances a year, in which I get to share Memories of My Mom with you! #TheRecipeDetective #RoadTripDay #NationalCoolerDay You can almost feel summer in the air now. Even though it doesn’t really start until June 21st, Memorial Day has become the unofficial start of […]

- Tags 52Chances, Algonac, AmericanCheeseMonth, ArtLewis, AskTheMrs, AskYourNeighbor, attitude, BetterCooker, BetterCookery, BobAllison, breads, CelebrateEveryDay, cookbook, copycat, diet, EatingOutAtHome, family, FastFood, FoodForThought, GloriaPitzer, GloriaPitzersCookbook, GoodNeighbor, happiness, HappyMonday, HappyNewspaperFeatures, homemade, HomemadeGroceries, imitation, inspiration, inspire, JunkFood, KathyKeene, LearnSomethingNewEveryDay, ListenToTheMrs, MacaroniOrPotatoSaladLikeTheColonels, MakeAlike, Marysville, MemorialDayWeekend, MemoriesOfMyMom, Michigan, Monday, MondayMentor, motivation, National Hamburger Month, NationalBarbecueMonth, NationalBeefBurgerDay, NationalCoolerDay, NationalEggMonth, NationalHamburgerDay, NationalRoadTripDay, NationalSaladMonth, NationalSalsaMonth, NewAttitude, Original200+, PearlBeach, PureMichigan, radio, RecipeDetective, recipes, ReliableRecipes, RestaurantRecipes, SecretRecipes, SecretRecipesDetective, SecretRecipesNewsletter, StClair, SugarFree, SummerRoadTripsAndPicnics, TGIM, ThankGodItsMondayDay, TheBestOf, TheRecipeDetective, WarrenPierce, WHBY