


By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… Gloria Pitzer’s Cookbook – Best Of The Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 185). [A revised reprint of Gloria Pitzer’s Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983, 3rd Edition).]

Another truly American sandwich creation!

INGREDIENTS [per sandwich]:

2 eggs

2 TB grated or minced green pepper

½ cup cooked ham, diced

2 TB minced onion

Dash of salt & pepper

3 TB butter, melted

2 slices of bread, each buttered on one side


For each sandwich, beat eggs until frothy; then, beat into that: grated or minced green pepper, cooked ham (diced), and minced onions. Add a dash of salt and pepper and cook the egg mixture in melted butter, in a small skillet, until egg is lightly browned but still soft in the center.

Flip it over onto a slice of bread, buttered-side-down. Add a top slice of bread, buttered-side-up and place the sandwich in the skillet to grill both sides in the remaining melted butter until golden brown. Serve at once.


See also…

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – Be Kind, Repeat

By TheRecipeDetective

Hi! I'm Laura Emerich and Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL Secret Recipe Detective, is my mom. This website is lovingly dedicated to her memory and legacy.

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