By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in her self-published cookbook, Restaurant Recipe Secrets (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; January 1997, 3rd Printing; p. 56).
You can bake this dark and moist bread in 2 large, round loaves OR, to imitate Outback’s, use the small foil loaf pans placed on a cookie sheet to make 6 of these miniature loaves.
3 pkgs. dry yeast
½ cup warm water
1 TB sugar
1 cup additional warm water
½ cup dark molasses
1 TB salt
2 TB oil
2 cups rye flour
2 ½ to 3 cups all-purpose flour
Corn meal (for dusting greased pans)
Soften yeast in ½ cup warm water. Stir in sugar. Let stand 6 minutes or until bubbly. Meanwhile, in large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup warm water with molasses, salt, oil, and rye flour. Beat to smooth batter. Add yeast mixture here, beating well. Then work in all-purpose flour until dough is smooth and no longer sticky – very pliable and elastic.
Knead a few minutes. Let rise until doubled, in greased bowl. Punch down. Shape into 2 large, round loaves; place a few inches apart on a greased and cornmeal dusted cookie sheet (or split into 6 miniature loaf pans – greased and dusted). Either way, let loaves rise until doubled [in size], in warm place.
Bake large loaves at 375°F, about 30 minutes – or until crust makes hollow sound when tapped [lightly] with knuckles. For tiny loaves, place pans on dry cookie sheet, a few inches apart. Bake at 375°F, about 20 minutes – or until crust makes hollow sound when tapped [lightly] with knuckles. Bread freezes beautifully.

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