By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 48)
A Colorado restaurant make alike from 1976…
1 cake yeast (or 1 packet quick rise)
¼ cup warm water
½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons oil
2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
Salad oil for deep frying
soften yeast in the ¼ cup warm water and take 1 teaspoon of the sugar, further down the list, stirring it into the yeast to help it bubble more quickly. In about 3 to 5 minutes it should be very bubbly. Then mix it well with the Pet Milk and the remaining cup of warm water. Add salt, sugar, and oil. Beat in 1 cup of the flour, beating very smooth.
Work in enough of the rest of the flour that you have a very smooth, no-longer sticky dough that you can knead right in the bowl. Knead until elastic in texture. [Wait] a few minutes and place in a greased bowl that will allow go to double in size in a warm place, free of drafts.
Cover the bowl with loose sheet of Saran Wrap, which use spray in Pam on one side (that side placed down over dough). In about 90 minutes, it should be doubled [in size]. Punch it down and knead it 10 or 12 times. Then, with greased hands, shaped the dough into pieces, each about the size of a walnut.
Drop into 385°F hot oil about 3 inches deep in a heavy skillet or saucepan and fry until golden on both sides, like you would for a donut. Serve promptly with honey. Dough will keep refrigerated (well wrapped) three days, before using. Makes 2 ½ dozen rolls.

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