Sanders’ 3-Layer (Pecan) Bar Cookies
By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; June 1997, p. 48).
¼-lb [1 stick] butter
4 TB sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
2 cups dry, quick rolled oats
½ cup flour
½ cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
1-lb powdered sugar
3 TB hot milk
¼ cup [additional] butter, melted
Dash salt
¼ tsp vanilla
2 cups crushed peanut [or pecan] brittle
1 cup [6-oz] chocolate chips
1 cup [6-oz] butterscotch chips
2 TB water
2 TB [additional] butter
1-oz solid, unsweetened, baking chocolate
2 TB melted paraffin
1st LAYER: Melt butter in medium saucepan… [Meanwhile, combine the next 5 ingredients, as listed, in large mixing bowl. Add the melted butter to this] and mix well. Press warm mixture into bottom of a Pam-sprayed, 13-inch baking pan. Make…
2nd LAYER: Combine powdered sugar, hot milk, melted butter, salt, vanilla, and peanut [or pecan] brittle. Spread evenly over 1st layer. Prepare 3rd layer next.
3rd LAYER: In top of double boiler, over simmering water, melt the chocolate and butterscotch chips with the water, [last] 2 tablespoons of butter, baking chocolate, and paraffin. [Stir until smooth.] Pour this mixture over the 2nd layer and refrigerate 24 hours, before cutting into bars or squares.
Keep refrigerated to use in a week or so or freeze to use in a few months. Makes 3 dozen 1-inch pieces.

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