1995 – Gloria Pitzer Presents Secret Knock Off Recipes was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret Recipes, St. Clair, MI). NO LONGER IN PRINT – this cookbook boasts a little of this & a little of that! You’ll find 352 copycat recipes of famous foods from even more famous places not included in her other books; amid Food-for-Thought, household tips, cooking tricks and humorous quips – all in a 60-page, 8.5” x 11” format.
In this book, Gloria Pitzer draws a parallel between most of the recipe secrets she shares with you here and those dishes we’ve all enjoyed while eating out or products we all buy at the supermarket. The food industry’s secrets are closely guarded by a very competitive market; but, Gloria’s recipe imitations unbreak the codes and unmask the mysteries of dining in as if we are eating out!
Fun Facts:
- Sub-Titles: “For On-the-Go Cooks”, “The I Don’t Cook Much Anymore Recipe Favorites”
- Printings: 2
- Years: Nov 1995 & Jun 1997
- Recipes: 352
- Pages: 60
- Size: 8.5″ x 11″
- Original Price: $8.75
- Used copies on eBay: $20
- Used copies on Amazon: none found
- ISBN: 1-886138-11-7