1977 – The Second Helping of Secret Recipes was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (National Homemakers Newsletter, St. Clair, MI). NO LONGER IN PRINT – this cookbook is sometimes referred to as “Book 2”, “2nd Helpings” or “The Green Book”. Over the many years and various printings, the cover changed slightly, as did the size and price of the book. The size changed from the original 80-page, 5.5″ x 8.5″ format with 178 recipes listed to a 52-page, 8.5″ x 11″ format with 209 recipes listed. The original title remained the same, but the sub-titles also changed over the years (as seen in the various cover photos shown above and below); while the masthead of “Secret Recipe Report” was added in 1978 and, later, changed to “Cookbook”. Starting in 1978, Gloria’s son, Michael Pitzer, illustrated many of the later printings of this book.

Fun Facts:
- Sub-Titles: “Book 2”, “Of Fast Foods & Other Favorites, Imitated by Gloria Pitzer”, “The Junk Food Junkie Rides the Range Again”, “The Fast Food Cookbook, Taking the Junk Out of Junk Food”
- Printings: 12+
- Years: July 1977 – August 1981+
- Recipes: 178 listed originally; 209 listed in the larger size
- Pages: 80 originally; 52 in the larger format
- Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″ originally; 8.5″ x 11″ shortly after the 1st printing
- Cover: Paperback
- Price: Originally $3.00 for the small format; the larger format sold for $5 each
- Used copies on eBay (larger format): $10.51
- Used copies on Amazon (larger format): $13.99
- ISBN: unknown
Comments (as seen on Amazon):
5 out of 5 stars – Did you ever wonder? By Lanah – June 13, 2013 [Verified Purchase] – “I love good food! And I love to share good recipes, it’s a shame this lady isn’t still publishing because this is a gold Mine of great information. I would recommend this to anyone who appreciates good food and a sense of humor!” https://www.amazon.com/Second-Helping-Secret-Recipes-Favorites/product-reviews/B0006WJIQ4/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_top?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews