1986 – Granny Square How To was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret Recipes, St. Clair, MI). NO LONGER IN PRINT – this 4-page folder of crochet patterns and projects (for vests, sweaters, purses and hats) had an 8½“ x 11” format and sold for $1 a copy. It was meant to be “Number 1 in a series” that could be collected in a 3-ring binder, like the Gloria Pizer’s Secret Recipes Newsletter. However, the series never came to fruition as Gloria had a number of other publishings happening at that time as well. Thus, the project was put on a back-burner, to simmer. I have not found any other issues to the series.
We’d love to hear from anyone who has any of these folders still! Please, write to: [email protected]