Happy November! The holidays are just around the corner, now. Cards, treats and gifts weren’t the only things that were homemade by my mom during the holidays. So were many of the holiday decorations. I mentioned in my blog entries, many times, that Mom was very crafty.
I remember some Christmas crafts Mom would do with us kids, back in the 1970s, making angels out of her old Reader’s Digest magazines, stringing popcorn for Christmas tree garland, and making ornaments out of cinnamon dough.
I loved doing those crafts with my own children, too. Together, we would collect various kinds of pine cones and branches, chestnuts and acorns – all with which to make winter bird feeders, wreaths, and holiday garland. But our favorite, was making Mom’s cinnamon ornaments. They made the house smell so good!
By Gloria Pitzer, as seen on her Christmas Recipes (December 1994) sheet.
½ cup ground cinnamon
Start with ½ cup cinnamon and drop in, 1 TB at a time, enough applesauce to mix into a dough that you can form into a ball and roll out on a cinnamon-dusted surface, to ¼ inch thick.
Cut with cookie cutters in Christmas shapes. Make a hole near the top of each, through which to run a loop of ribbon [for hanging]. When air dried until hard, hang on your tree. Wonderful aroma fills the air [that] smells like freshly baked pies. Makes about 12 ornaments.
For questions or comments, you can email me at [email protected]. I’m also on Facebook: @TheRecipeDetective.