By Gloria Pitzer, as seen in… Secret Make Alike Recipes – Revised (Secret RecipesTM, Marysville, MI; May 1997, p. 20).
3 cans (1-lb each) sliced beets
1 tsp lemon juice
1 pkg. grape [flavored] Kool Aid powder
1 pkg. (1¾-oz) Sure Jell
4 cups sugar
Paraffin wax
Drain [beets] and reserve beet juice, straining it into a heavy 2½-qt saucepan. Set aside. Freeze the beets to use in another recipe, later. Add enough water to beet juice to give you 4 cups [total liquid]. Bring to boil. Stir in, at once, the lemon juice, Kool Aid powder, and Sure Jell. Stir briskly as it boils hard – 2 minutes.
Gradually, stir in sugar, a little at a time. Set timer for 5 minutes to let mixture boil briskly. Stir often, until sugar is dissolved. Pour into hot, sterilized jelly glasses; allowing 1” head space and sealing in melted paraffin. Makes about 8-10 glasses. Keep refrigerated… to use within a few weeks. Or freeze in [sealed, plastic] tubs to use within a few months.

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