1985 – Secret Fast Bread Recipes was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret Recipes, St. Clair, MI). NO LONGER IN PRINT – this cookbook has a 120-page, 5.5″ x 8.5″ format with 347 recipes listed, covering muffins, biscuits, sourdough, Herman, coffeecakes, donuts, rye, whole wheat, pumpernickel, white bread and many more! Many of the recipes in this cookbook need only a few ingredients. One recipe for yeast bread dough can be kneaded right in the bowl!
Fun Facts:
- Sub-Titles: “For Loafing Cooks”
- Printings: 2
- Years: Oct-Nov 1985 & July 1987 (sold out in Jan/Feb 1988)
- Recipes: 347 listed
- Pages: 120
- Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
- Price: $6
- Used copies on eBay: none found
- Used copies on Amazon: $35
- ISBN: unknown